Friday, May 27, 2011

We were asked to do a mural!!!!!

There's a group working on marine environment education - they have a series of TV commercials; they worked with some schools to produce an activity book; now they're working on murals with middle/junior high schools.

They came to our school today, and the principal called me in for the presentation.

Basically, they want us to paint four 4 x 8 plywood panels for the mural, which will be put up at the school gate or fence. Of course, I told them I'd have my students design something, vote, the principals will have final say, and then the students and I will enlarge and then paint our original design. The science classes will do some research and report back to us so that we're accurately depicting the marine animals.

Best part - the organization will pay for all supplies - YAY!!!!!!!

I'm so excited!!!!! It changes my plan for the fall, but it's a great opportunity for my students - and I'm fine with making changes if the kids benefit. YAY!!!!!!!!

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