I needed my students to understand how to enlarge a picture, so that we could transfer our design from a paper to a wall. Using Keith Haring's art, and a computer, I took the color out of some of his designs and made basic black and white drawings. I added a one-inch grid (again on the computer). Students selected one drawing (ranging from very simple to more complex) and I demonstrated how to enlarge - we used easel paper and drew a three-inch grid, labelled the horizontal/vertical squares with letters and numbers like a map, and then copied the drawing square by square. Some students caught on quickly and made multiple enlargements. Others needed more help, especially with measuring and drawing lines. But we accomplished this, and the students were proud of their drawings which they colored with marker and hung all around the room.
My mural designer, Tia, had to re-draw her design in the correct proportions for our wall. Since the area of our mural would be approximately 9 feet high and 27 feet long, we needed to stay with that 1:3 ratio. So she worked on 6 x 18 inch paper. That final picture was then divided into 2/3 inch squares - have you ever tried finding a ruler divided into thirds???? Fortunately, my dear friend our Drafting teacher set me up with a scale, and I was able to draw a 2/3 inch grid.
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